
  • Cigdem Hursen
  • Felix Danjuma Tappi



content analysis, evaluating programs, investigating, qualitative


This research was conducted following specific content evaluation of programs between the period of 2015 – 2018 with limitations, a content analysis related studies on evaluation of programs to specify the direction of the research using qualitative study to analyze search results for four years. The Science Direct Data Base was searched to collect the data and journals were scanned to reach 72 studies. The aim of this research is to improve evaluation program effectiveness and to encourage researchers to study in this field. This study focused on program evaluation and answers were sought for distribution of studies by year of publication, subject area, country, method, and sample. The findings revealed that studies on program evaluation were mostly carried out in 2015 and 2018. The findings revealed that qualitative research was used more than quantitative and the mixed method. The result also revealed that most of the studies analyzed were in the area of teacher education and educational research. The analysis was done by the two researchers and for any disagreement, researchers studied on the issue and reached complete agreement. The data obtained from the studies were analyzed through descriptive statistic after calculating their frequency and percentage values


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How to Cite

Hursen, C., & Danjuma Tappi, F. (2018). AN INVESTIGATION INTO CONTENT EVALUATION OF PROGRAMS BETWEEN 2013 – 2018. Near East University Online Journal of Education, 1(1), 01–10.