A Survey of the Architectures and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks and Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks


  • Ramiz Salama
  • Chadi Altrjman
  • Fadi Al-Turjman


In this research, wireless sensor networks and wireless multimedia sensor networks are mentioned.
Wireless sensor networks are a new technology that can be applied in many areas that have been quite on the agenda
recently. By using wireless sensor networks, information can be collected interactively with the environment, this
information can be evaluated collectively and changes can be made on the environment based on information if
necessary. A sensor network allows you to easily access information at anytime, anywhere. This function fulfills the
data by collecting, processing, analyzing and spreading. Thus, the network plays an effective role in the formation of
a clever environment



Yazar Biyografileri

Ramiz Salama



Chadi Altrjman





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