The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic On The Psychosocial Area


  • Sümeyye Kurt Yok
  • Meryem Karaaziz


Covid-19, Pandemic, Psychosocial Effects


The coranavirus (covid-19), which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019, has spread almost all over the world. With this epidemic, people's lifestyles have changed and they have tried to adapt to the new order. It is known that the economic difficulties experienced in this adaptation process, the changing living conditions, the stress experienced with the pandemic force people. It is an undeniable reality that the economic, political, social and psychological reflections of the pandemic suddenly entered our lives and became the center of our lives. The covid-19 virus, which threatens both the physical and psychological health of people, has a high risk of death and has caused all people's lives to change with irreversible consequences shortly after its emergence. The effect of the virus on the whole world has caused a global trauma. Increasing anxiety has brought many consequences such as health anxiety, depression, loneliness, isolation, stigmatization and economic difficulties, as well as changing living conditions, and it has clearly revealed the necessity and importance of psychological interventions during and after the epidemic. In this context, in this study, a review study was created by reviewing the literature by examining the social-psychological appearance of the covid-19 virus, pandemic, quarantine, epidemic process and the psychosocial effects of the pandemic.

