A novel approach to cybersecurity education for engineering students using a literature review


  • Ramiz Salama
  • Chadi Altrjman
  • Sinem Alturjman




The Sharp Lattice viewpoint was added to the classic power structure to improve the interaction of age, transmission, and flow networks. However, neither the current nor previous concepts of smart networks have more sophisticated features such as programmed directionality, safety, adaptability, self-healing and mindfulness, continual assessment, and layer-to-layer commonality. The future's massive internet of things (MIoT) is a critical component of the 5G/6G network factory. This study investigates the design and issues of the future generation of smart grids, with a focus on AI-powered smart grids and the integration of AI, IoT, and 5G to improve smart grid performance. This is a recent scientific and technical innovation that has increased the smart grid's vulnerability to hackers. Emerging cybersecurity topics, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, are also discussed, emphasizing the importance of curriculum that keep up with technological advancements. To better prepare engineering students for careers in cybersecurity, the study concludes by proposing an educational design that emphasizes active learning, continuous evaluation, and industry involvement.



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