Patience and Patience Education in the Masnavi Sharif
Mesnevî-i Şerîf'te Sabır ve Sabır Eğitimi
People’s ability to live in peace and security depends on the individual and society adopting the dominant values such as helpfulness, solidarity, modesty, empathy, tolerance, contentment, and Patience. With the development of technology, people have begun to live more comfortably, and as a result, this has allowed people to access many things they desire instantly. Unfortunately, this has caused dissatisfaction over time, and thus, people have become consuming almost everything. In the modern lifestyle that has become monotonous, such as going from one closed space (home) to other closed spaces (school, hospital, cinema, shopping mall, workplace, and the like), selfishness and insensitivity are increasing, and Patience is gradually decreasing. Impatience has become one of the fundamental problems of our age.
Mesnevi is a comprehensive work that includes the stories of Maulana Jalaleddin Rumi(1207-1273) containing religious, mystical advice. This work, consisting of approximately twenty-six thousand couplets, was greatly appreciated; translations and commentaries were made, Masnevi dictionaries were prepared, and literature was formed around the Mesnevi.
The study aims to determine the position of Patience in the perception, imagination, and imagination world of Maulana Jalaleddin Rumi in the context of Mesnevi. The study aims to determine the place and importance of Patience in our tradition of values education through thoughts on patience education in Mesnevi. Another aim of the study is to gain an idea about the perception of Patience in the age in which Mualna lived since it is not possible to think of the poet separately from the mentality of the age in which he lived and to contribute to the understanding and adoption of this perception of Patience by today’s people.
In the work in question, Maulana Jalaleddin Rumi directly or indirectly associated Patience with many beings and concepts; he saw Patience as the key to success, happiness, and overcoming trouble, and he utilized different style features to impart this concept to individuals and society through education. The article focuses on which beings and concepts patience is associated with in terms of literature in the Masnavi Sharif. It examines the style in which Maulana Jalaeddin Rumi narrates Patience in the context of value transfer. After explaining the meaning of Patience, it is attempted to reveal what Patience means in verses and hadiths, in Sufism culture, and our vocabulary. Then, it is examined within which similes, imaginations, and conceptions Maulana Jalaleddin Rumi used this concept; the obtained data is interpreted with the help of graphics, and inferences are made on the subject.
Keywords: Religion and Sufism, Maulana Jalâleddin Rumi, Mesnevi, Education of values, Patience.