Ethical Principles and Policies
The Scientific Journal of Mysticism and Literature, a publication of ethical text, determines the ethical duties and responsibilities of authors, referees, and editors by considering the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and the International Standards for Editors and Authors of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
The ethical principles in the Journal of Scientific Mysticism and Literature aim to form a basis for impartially and respectably developing and sharing information. In this context, all stakeholders (authors, researchers, publishers, editors, boards, referees, and readers) must comply with ethical principles and standards. According to the articles related to the ethical rules, "In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the necessary permissions should be included in the article." Accordingly, whether ethical committee permission and legal/special permission are required in the articles to be published should be stated in the article. If it is necessary to obtain these permissions, it should be presented from which institution, on which date, and with which decision or number the consent was obtained. Studies that require ethics committee approval are as follows:
- All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using surveys, interviews, focus group work, observation experiments, interview techniques,
- The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
- Clinical studies on humans,
- Research on animals,
The responsibilities of the referees:
- They should agree to be a referee only for articles related to their expertise.
- They should be the referee for the accepted articles.
- It should be evaluated by considering the principles of impartiality and confidentiality. Nationality, gender, religious belief, political belief, and commercial concerns should not impair the objectivity of the evaluation.
- If it detects any conflict of interest, it should refuse to evaluate the article and report the situation to the editor.
- They are responsible for maintaining the study's confidentiality until the article is published.
- They evaluate the confidentiality principle.
- They should fill in the data requested in the evaluation form and send it to the journal (in detail).
- They should state the reasons for their evaluations clearly, and persuasively and explain their corrections and suggestions in polite and constructive language. They should avoid comments that contain insults or hostility.
- They are responsible for preparing the evaluation report for the studies they accept to be evaluated within the time given to them and within the framework of ethical principles.
- Responsible for complying with the Publication Ethics.
- The refereeing period should not exceed the specified time.
Responsibilities of the Editor and Assistant Editors:
- It should strive to respond to the information needs of authors and readers, to improve and develop the journal, and to improve the quality of the content of the studies to be published in the journal.
- It should support the freedom of opinion of the authors and protect their intellectual property rights. In case of violation of intellectual property rights, the journal and the author(s) should defend their rights. In addition, necessary measures should be taken to ensure that the content of the published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.
- It should ensure that the content to be published in the journal complies with the publication rules, that the necessary ethics committee approvals are obtained, and that human and animal rights are not violated.
- Authors and readers should ensure that information on information and journal policies is up-to-date and accessible. It should show openness and transparency regarding the publication of issues requiring explanation.
- It should ensure academic integrity in the journal.
- In their positive or negative decisions during the evaluation process, the original value of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the expression, and the purpose and scope of the journal should be considered.
- An article rejected during the pre-evaluation process should be explained to the author with its reasons (it should be ensured that the reasons and approaches of the referees can be clearly explained and are within specific standards).
- It should ensure that the appropriate referees are selected in line with the article's contents and should take care not to cause situations where there may be a conflict of interest.
- The articles should be sent by considering the expertise of the field editors and referees and should support impartial and independent evaluations.
- Double-blind refereeing should keep the identity information of the referees and authors confidential during the evaluation process.
- They should constantly renew the referee lists according to their fields of expertise and work towards expanding the referee pool.
- It is responsible for promptly notifying the authors of the referees' evaluations, ensuring they are sufficiently understandable and clear, and giving them the necessary time for correction.
- The referees should ensure that their evaluations are made on time, in line with the ethical rules, and impartially, and the referees who do not comply with these definitions should be removed from the database.
- The editorial board members should be determined by considering their fields of expertise and contributing to the development of the journal and should be followed regularly.
- Evaluate possible criticisms and complaints objectively and respond in an informative and understandable way, considering consistent criticisms.
- It should keep records of articles and related conversations.
- The journal is responsible for acting and complying with publication ethics, processes, and policies.
Authors' responsibilities:
Suppose it is detected that the authors manipulate the data used in the articles, distort them, or use a fabricated text. This situation will be reported to the institution where the author works, and the article will be rejected.
- The articles they sent should not have been published anywhere, and the same study should not have been applied to multiple journals simultaneously.
- Must submit original works (Research Paper and Review). The author is responsible for citations in whole or in part.
- They should correctly cite and specify the sources they used during writing in line with ethical principles. The author is responsible.
- All authors should know the work they are involved in. In addition, people who did not contribute to the study should not be mentioned as authors.
- They should explain the situations that may constitute a conflict of interest in the articles they apply for publication and their reasons.
- If the work was produced from a project and thesis, it should be clearly stated at the end of the work.
- He should objectively interpret the data from the sources he used in the study.
- If he notices an error in his work during the process, he should inform the editor about his requests, such as correction or withdrawal.
- If information or raw data about their articles are requested during evaluation, they should present the expected information to the editors.
- It should have a document stating that they have obtained the necessary permissions and consent of the subjects for all research that requires an ethics committee decision.
- In the article, they should present evidence of their care for ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use documents such as scales, questionnaires, and photographs).
- It should not make requests such as adding or removing authors or changing the order of the studies in the evaluation process.
- Must adhere to all rules and responsibilities of Publication Ethics.
- The article sent to the journal should not be sent to another journal.
- When the author/authors receive the acceptance email from the editor-in-chief of the submitted article, they must send a) a commitment document and b) a report showing the similarity rate to the journal's email address.
Notifying the Editor of the Situation Not Complying with the Ethical Principles:
In line with the determined principles, we ask you to notify us via Email when a study or behavior that does not comply with ethical principles is detected in the journal.
Special issues or additional numbers are also evaluated depending on the criteria.
Congress/Symposium etc. It consists of event notices or articles on a specific subject. According to the subject title, the relevant faculty member on the editorial board can serve as the Guest Editor.
Suppose the author(s) send(ed) the article(s) they have submitted has been published under a different name, different title, other language, or abbreviated form or presented at a conference. In that case, the submitted article will not be considered valid and will be subject to disciplinary action as plagiarism.
Conflicts of interest:
Editors It ensures that the publication process is completed independently and impartially, considering the conflicts of interest between the author(s), referees, and other editors.
Protection of Personal Data:
Editors must protect personal data handled in the studies. Individuals are responsible for refusing to work unless their explicit consent is documented. In addition, editors protect the individual data of the author, referee, and readers.
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights:
Editors, the journal is obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of published articles and ensure that their content does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.
Plagiarism Check:
Authors should comply with the ethical principles and responsibilities presented in the section on Publication Ethics. First, the submitted articles are checked for plagiarism with the iThenticate® (Plagiarism Detection Software) or Turnitin program. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 25%, excluding references, are directly rejected before they go to the evaluation stage.
Ethics Committee, Human and Animal Rights:
Editors are responsible for requesting ethical committee approval for the subjects to ensure the protection of human and animal rights in the study; has the right to refuse. In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information about the consent (name of the committee, date, and number) can be found in the method section and on one of the first/last pages of the article. In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article.
Relationship with the magazine owner and Publisher:
The relationship between the editors and the Publisher According to the principle of editorial independence, all decisions taken by the editors are independent of the Publisher and the journal owner.
Publisher Responsibilities:
It should not charge the authors a fee. Care must be taken to protect the property and copyright of each published article and record each copy.
Price policy:
Journal of Scientific Mysticism and Language is an International Open-Access journal, and its content can be accessed online at no cost. Therefore, a product does not charge processing fees (APC) and article submission fees (ASC).
Journal of Scientific Mysticism and Literature is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share-A-Like 4.0 International License.