The Mirror Ciphers in Islamic Mysticism and Wisdom
İslam Tasavvufunda ve Bilgeliğinde Ayna Şifreleri
In Islamic wisdom and mysticism, various symbols and allegories have been used to explain the meanings and teachings of philosophical and mystical issues. As one of the strongest allegories in the world of wisdom and mysticism, the mirror has been used as an allegory for the recognition of noetic truths from the foundation of Ibn Arabi's theoretical mysticism and the foundation of the originality of existence and personal oneness of Mulla Sadra to the foundation of romantic mysticism, as well as the teachings of religious texts. The cipher of newness, the cipher of the relationship between truths and delicacy, the cipher of mystics' journeys, the cipher of embodiment of actions, the cipher of transmission, the cipher of proportion and suitability, and the cipher of scale (= mîzãn) and measurement are among the ciphers that have been investigated in this article. Explaining the allegory, analogy, and its relationship with the owner of the analogy requires special attention to clarify the reason for the allegory of the mirror.
Keywords: Mirror, Wisdom, Mysticism, Cipher, God, Man
تبیین تمثیل و قیاس و ارتباط آن با صاحب قیاس مستلزم توجه ویژه برای روشن شدن دلیل تمثیل آینه است.