Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Special Issue on Future Cities

This issue of the Journal of the Faculty of Architecture consists of the papers presented in the "Future Cities" congress, the ones that has completed review process.
This special issue contains different topics to be discussed in the context of the future of cities, their sustainability and their contribution to social life. In this context, our new issue is about the distant future, questioning the current assumptions, considering the current trends towards the future and the factors that force it to change in terms of the future moving in a different direction. It is produced from research articles that seek to generate new ideas, develop different scenarios, and conduct them with an approach that takes into account the local specificity.
Documentation of old urban areas for future regeneration ideas in the Kkanaga region by Çilen Erçin, Shaymaa Jalil Ibrahim, Carol Kamil Toma Toma Kharbosh, Green buildings in Kano State in Nigeria where Mukhtar Sabiu Yahuza, Huriye Gürdallı discusses what we have learned from tradition and what can be carried into the future, the article of Serkad Hasan Işıkören, Derin Şirvan Işıkören about the cities of the future shaped by visual technologies and Ismaeel Ghazaleheniya, Ayten Özsavaş Akçay discussing the impact of tall buildings in historical urban areas. They all passed the blind refereeing stages of the congress and were included in this special issue.
Many thanks to who contributed to the blind referee process of the articles in this issue, Assist. Prof. Dr. Havva Arslangazi Uzunahmet, Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Selen Abbasoğlu Ermiyagil, Assist. Prof. Dr. Burçin Kutsal, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kemal Ferit Çetintaş, Dr. Özge İslamoğlu, Prof. Dr. Fevzi Kasap, Prof. Dr. Cemil Atakara, Dr. Gizem Caner, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dolunay and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aminreza Iranmanesh.
With the wish that our cities will not ignore people while they are being shaped in line with technological developments in the future...
Prof. Dr. Zeynep Onur