Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Volume 5 Issue 1 2023

Hello, we are with you again with the first issue of the fifth volume of our Journal of
the Faculty of Architecture.
In this issue, urban studies are predominant.
Çelik's research explores and exemplifies the example of Adana Seyhan as an urban
transformation project. Haj Saleh's article investigating Local Residences in the
United Arab Emirates examines the Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum Residence as an
example. Varol and Tutkun also examine City Parks in terms of usage diversity.
Kılıç Aksu's research on interior design in primary school buildings and Tutal and
Aykal's research on Ergonomic Analysis of Institutional and Non-Institutional
Hypermarkets draws attention to the important criteria of space usage.
Our academicians, who are the referees of the articles received for this issue,
Ayten Özsavaş Akçay, Zihni Türkan, Serkad Işıkören, Aminreza Iranmanesh, Ali
Kemal ÇINAR, Cemil Atakara, Gizem Caner, Mukaddes Polay, Buket Asilsoy,
We would like to thank Sema Uzunoğlu, Havva Arslangazi, Figen Beyhan, Betül
Hatipoğlu Şahin, we are thankfull to them for their valuable contributions.
We wish you pleasant reading