Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Volume 5 Issue 2 2023

Dear Readers,
I am happy to share with you the September 2023 issue of our journal, as the editor of NEU
Journal of Faculty of Architecture, which I took on due to the change of administrative duties
in our faculty. I would like to thank the former dean of our faculty Prof. Dr. Zeynep Ü. Onur’s
efforts and contributions who has been the editor of the journal since its first issue.
In this issue of our journal, which is developing with from the editors of our journal Assoc.
Prof. Dr. Can Kara's intense efforts, has five scientific articles by nine authors from five
different universities. This issue, which we have published, gives us great pleasure to contribute
to the communication of information among our colleagues.
World Architecture Day, which will be celebrated on October 2, 2023 with the theme of
"Architecture for Resilient Communities" of the International Union of Architects (UIA), will
once again reveal the importance of architecture in the world and will revitalize architectural
studies for the future.
We hope that the 2023-2024 academic year, which started with new excitement and new hopes
in these days, will be successful for all our colleagues and prospective colleagues, and we hope
to meet many valuable articles in our new issues. Thanks to everyone who contributed to our
publication. Stay healthy, with love, live architecturally.
Prof. Dr. Zihni Turkan
Chief Editor