For Authors
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- It is the journal’s responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of any information regarding authors. However, such information may be shared in a possible enquiry in order to investigate any allegations of misconduct. Near East University Journal of Social Sciences defines its principles regarding any allegations of misconduct in accordance with the guidelines prepared by the COPE and shares these principles with the stakeholders on its website.
- Text recycling, that is using the chapters of a single text in various publications of the same author without any reference, is unacceptable for Near East University Journal of Social Sciences. In such cases, the journal acts according to the relevant guidelines determined by the COPE.
- Near East University Journal of Social Sciences protects and supports freedom of expression under all circumstances. Moreover, the journal considers any racist, sexist or discriminatory content as hate speech and uses its right to refuse such contents without sending them for review.
- In case of a conflict of interest regarding an article, the journal openly supports intellectual and ethical standards; and defines relevant ethical principles that authors, reviewers, and editors should adhere to.
- In case of a conflict of interest regarding an article, the journal suspends the peer review process until the ambiguity is clarified; and it has the authority to request the Ethics Board Waiver Form, Interview Consent Form and other documents that need to be submitted from authors regarding their articles.
- Near East University Journal of Social Sciences is sensitive and responsible for publishing edited contents, commentaries, apologies and refutations.
- Editors and publishers of the journal are obliged to follow legal advices in case that repetitions in an article, that is coinciding texts in two different publications, violate any intellectual property rights.
Article Submission Guidelines
- NEU Journal of Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal and is published twice a year in April and October.
- The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.
- Copyrights of all articles published in the journal are transferred to Near East University. References must be given in the excerpts from all kinds of articles published in the journal.
- Manuscripts submitted to NEU Journal of Social Sciences must be original, not published elsewhere or sent to another place for publication. If another version of the submitted manuscript was sent to another publisher for review or published, or if it is to be published, the author must make it clear when he/she sends his/her article to the journal.
- The manuscripts sent to the journal for publication are sent to the two-blind referees after their initial evaluation by the editorial board. The editorial board decides whether the manuscript should be published in accordance with the report coming from the referees, whether the author is required to correct the article or not. The publication decision shall be notified to the author (if there is more than one author, the first of which is mentioned) as soon as possible. Unpublished articles are not returned to the authors.
- In order to ensure the impartiality of the referee's assessment, there should be no information on the author's identity in the article submitted to the referees. Authors should write the title of their articles, first name, last name, title, institution name, mailing address, telephone and e-mail addresses on a separate sheet of paper, prepare a cover page and send them with their articles. Turkish and English abstracts should be included in the text to be sent to the referees. The text to be sent to the referees should include the title of the article, the text of the article, abstracts in Turkish and English, and no identifying information.
- The manuscripts should be sent to the Editor directly as an MS Word document as an e-mail attachment or as a CD. Authors can also send a written copy of the text if they wish. Written texts should be written on one side of A4 paper with two intervals and all pages should be given consecutive numbers.
- Authors whose native language is not English should have a native English reviewer for editing and make the necessary corrections before submitting texts in English.
- The authors whose articles are published are sent one free of charge from the published journal.
- It is accepted that the final audits of the articles submitted to the NEU Journal of Social Sciences are done by the author and that the author consents to print the article in its format on a floppy disk or a CD.
- Once the manuscript is submitted to the journal editor, it is not returned to the author for print corrections. Articles that do not comply with the rules of NEU, Journal of Social Sciences are not sent to the referee and not printed.
- All text sent should be written with typewriter letters with a single-spaced space of 5cm on the bottom and top of A4 paper and 4cm on the sides.
- Articles should be 5,000-10,000 words long.
- The article should begin with an abstract consisting of 120-180 words written in italic letters and describing the basic argument and the conclusion reached. The abstract should be accompanied by a maximum of 5 keywords or phrases that characterize the content of the article.
- The text should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font. The title of the article should be 14 points, Times New Roman font, bold and separate from the main text. Subheadings should be 12-point, Times New Roman, bold and separate from text. Subheadings under secondary subheadings should be 12-point, Times New Roman, bold, and Italic and should be at the beginning of the first sentence of the paragraph and end with a point.
- All charts, graphs and diagrams should be called figures and given successive numbers. Tables should be small to the extent possible and should contain only very necessary information. Each figure and table should be given a number with Arabic numerals and its title should be written after the number and should be cited in the text.
- References should not be in footnote format, but the relevant source(s) should be enclosed in parentheses in the text (author's last name, publication year: -if necessary - page number/ or related pages/section).
- Submissions within the text and annotations of the text can be shown in the footnotes.
- All references submitted in the text should be included in a bibliography to be placed at the end of the article, and non-submitted references should not be placed on this list. The names of journals, books, reviews and symposia should be written in italics (or bold).
- The bibliography should be prepared in accordance with APA 6 reference guidelines. In-text references and citations should be given in accordance with the language of the full text. For full-text of Turkish, procedures and principles of Turkish references, for full text in English, procedures and principles of English references should be considered (
- Authors along with the manuscripts sent to the journal for publication should download the commitment and copyright transfer forms and after they sign they should scan with the scanner and sent them together.
- Authors should include ORCID identifiers in their articles. Authors who do not have an ORCID identifier can register from the relevant link (
Article Template
Authors should check their compliance with all the items listed below at the time of application and be aware that applications that do not comply with these guidelines can be rejected.
- The manuscript I submitted has not been published and has not been submitted for review to any journal for publication.
- The study I submitted is appropriate for the publication policy of the Near East University Journal of the Social Sciences.
Scientific research is based on previous studies. In the studies conducted, reference is made to the previous studies within the framework of certain rules and references. Mistakes made intentionally or unknowingly in scientific studies undermine the reliability of the study and publication.
Near East University Journal of Social Sciences considers that the references and citations of the studies accepted as a result of evaluation within the scope of publication ethics should be given accurately and completely. Within this scope, after the acceptance of each work, the bibliography is checked by the Editorial Board.
- The bibliography, submission and citation control of the accepted studies are carried out for the full text in the following steps:
- The bibliography is reviewed in accordance with the procedures and principles contained in APA's Citation Guidelines 6th Edition, and the deficiencies are forwarded to the authors for correction.
- It is checked whether the references in the text of each reference in the bibliography are given according to the procedures and principles, and feedback is provided to the authors for the wrong ones.
- References to in-text references are checked. The missing ones are requested from the authors and the wrong ones are requested from the authors.
Sample of References
- Book, one author
Mitchell, J. J. (2001). The mental and emotional life of teenagers. Calgary, AB: Detselig Enterprises.
In-text (Mitchell, 2001)
- Books, several by same author
Elster, J. (1989a). The cement of society: A study of social order. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
In-text (Elster, 1989a)
- Book, multiple authors
Murphy, M. A., Lai, D., & Sookraj, D. (1997). Evaluation of the neighborhood (congregate) meal program: Final report. Kelowna, BC: Kelowna Home Support Society.
Citations in text: First Citation: (Murphy, Lai, & Sookraj, 1997) Subsequent: (Murphy et al., 1997)
- Book, multiple editions
Strunk, W., Jr., & White, E. B. (2000). The elements of style (4th ed.). New York: Longman.
In-text (Strunk & White, 2000)
- Book, multiple editions, no author
National Partnership for Immunization reference guide (2nd ed.). (2003). Alexandria, VA: National Partnership for Immunization.
In-text (National Partnership for Immunization [NPI], 2003)
- Book, edited
Shweder, R. A., Minow, M., & Markus, H. (Eds.). (2002). Engaging cultural differences: The multicultural challenge in liberal democracies. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press.
In-text (Shweder, Minow, & Markus, 2002)
- Book, online
Reed, J. (1922). Ten days that shook the world. Project Gutenberg. Etext 3076. Retrieved January 12, 2004, from docs/books/gutenberg/etext02/10daz10.txt
In-text (Reed, 1922)
- Multivolume work
Pflanze, O. (1963–1990). Bismarck and the development of Germany (Vols. 1–3). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
In-text (Pflanze, 1963–1990)
- Single volume in a multivolume work
Pflanze, O. (1990). The period of fortification, 1880–1898: Vol. 3. Bismarck and the development of Germany. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
In-text (Pflanze, 1990)
- Reprint of earlier edition
Smith, A. (1976). An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. E. Cannan (Ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Original work published 1776)
In-text (Smith, 1776/1976)
- Translated volume
Weber, M. (1958). The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. T. Parsons (Trans.). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. (Original work published 1904–1905)
In-text (Weber, 1904–1905/1958)
- Chapter in edited book
Keohane, R. (1983). The demand for international regimes. In S. Krasner (Ed.), International regimes (pp. 56–67). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
In-text (Keohane, 1983)
- Journal article, one author
Lipson, C. (1991). Why are some international agreements informal? International organization, 45, 495–538.
In-text (Lipson, 1991)
- Journal article, multiple authors
Koremenos, B., Lipson, C., & Snidal, D. (2001). The rational design of international institutions. International Organization, 55, 761–799.
In-text (Koremenos, Lipson, & Snidal, 2001) for first reference (Koremenos et al., 2001) for second reference and after
- Journal article, online
Conway, P. (2003). Truth and reconciliation: The road not taken in Namibia. Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution, 5(1). Retrieved December 26, 2003, from 5 1conway.htm
In-text (Conway, 2003)
- Journal article, foreign language
Maignan, I., & Swaen, V. (2004). La responsabilite´ sociale d’une organisation: Integration des perspectives marketing et manageriale [The social responsibility of an organization: Integration of marketing and managerial perspectives]. Revue Franca¸ ise du Marketing, 200, 51–66.
In-text (Maignan & Swaen, 2004)
- Newspaper or magazine article, no author
The United States and the Americas: One history in two halves. (2003, December 13). Economist, 36.
In-text (United States and the Americas, 2003)
- Newspaper or magazine article, with author
Bruni, F. (2003, December 26). Pope pleads for end to terrorism and war. New York Times [national ed.], p. A21.
In-text (Bruni, 2003) or, if necessary, (Bruni, 2003, December 26)
- Newspaper or magazine article, online
Vick, K. (2003, December 27). Quake in Iran kills at least 5,000: Temblor devastates ancient city; officials appeal for assistance. Washington Post [online], p. A01. Retrieved January 2, 2004, from http://www A31539-2003Dec26.html
In-text (Vick, 2003) or (Vick, 2003, December 27)
- Review
Orr, H. A. (2003, August 14). What’s not in your genes. [Review of the book Nature via nurture: Genes, experience, and what makes us human]. New York Review of Books, 50, 38–40.
In-text (Orr, 2003)
- Unpublished paper, poster session, dissertation, or thesis
Tsygankov, A. (2004, February). Russia’s identity and foreign policy choices. Paper presented at the Program on International Politics, Economics, and Security, University of Chicago.
In-text (Tsygankov, 2004)
- Dissertation: Retrieved from a database
Aguiar, L. (2001). The ‘dirt’ on the contract cleaning industry in Toronto: Cleanliness and work reorganization (Doktora tezi). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (AAT NQ67931)
- Preprint
Williams, A., Leen, T. K., Roberts, P. D. (2003). Random walks for spike-timing dependent plasticity. Preprint. arXiv: q-bio.NC/0312038. Retrieved December 26, 2003, from http:// cache/q-bio/pdf/0312/ 0312038.pdf
In-text (Williams, Leen, & Roberts, 2003)
- Abstract
Kremer, M., & Zwane, A. P. (2005). Encouraging private sector research for tropical agriculture [Abstract]. World Development, 33, 87.
In-text (Kremer & Zwane, 2005)
- Microfilm, microfiche
U.S. House of Representatives. Records. Southern Claims Commission. (1871–1880). First report (1871). Washington, DC: National Archives Microfilm Publication, P2257, Frames 0145–0165.
In-text (U.S. House, 1871–1880)
- Encyclopedia, hard copy and online
Balkans: History. (1987). In Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th ed., Vol. 14, pp. 570–588). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.
In-text (Balkans: History, 1987)
- Reference book, hard copy and online
Pendergast, S., & Pendergast, T. (Eds.). (2003). Reference guide to world literature (3rd ed., 2 vols.). Detroit: St. James Press/ Thomson-Gale
In-text (Pendergast & Pendergast, 2003)
- Dictionary, hard copy, online, and CD-ROM
Gerrymander. (2003). Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (11th ed.). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.
In-text Gerrymander (2003)
- Speech, academic talk, or course lecture
Szelenyi, I. (2003, August 17). Presidential address. American Sociological Association. Annual convention. Atlanta, GA.
In-text (Szelenyi, 2003)
- Interview
Arroyo, Gloria Macapagal. (2003). A Time for Prayer. Interview with Michael Schuman. Time. July 28, 2003. Retrieved Jan. 13, 2004, from 0,8599,471205,00.html
In-text (Arroyo, 2003)
(E. O. Wilson, personal interview, February 1, 2004)
The reference list includes printed interviews, like Arroyo’s, but not personal communications such as private conversation, faxes, letters, or interviews since they cannot be accessed by other investigators. Therefore, in-text citations for personal communications (like the one for E. O. Wilson) should fully describe the item, including the full date.
- Personal communication
Personal communications that cannot be retrieved or examined by third parties should not be included in the reference list. They should be fully described in the text.
In-text (David A. Grossberg, personal communication, May 6, 2005)
- Television program
Long, T. (Writer), & Moore, S. D. (Director). (2002). Bart vs. Lisa vs. 3rd Grade [Television series episode]. In B. Oakley & J. Weinstein (Producers), The Simpsons. Episode: 1403 F55079. Fox.
In-text (Simpsons, 2002) or (Bart vs. Lisa, 2002)
- Film
Huston, J. (Director/Writer). (1941). The Maltese falcon [Motion picture]. Perf. Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet, Elisha Cook Jr. Based on novel by Dashiell Hammett. Warner Studios. U.S.: Warner Home Video, DVD (2000).
In-text (Maltese falcon, 1941) or (Maltese falcon, 2000)
- Photograph
Reference list Adams, Ansel. (1927). Monolith, the face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park [photograph]. Art Institute, Chicago.
In-text (Adams, 1927)
- Government document, hard copy and online
A bill to promote the national security by providing for a national defense establishment: Hearings on S. 758 before the Committee on Armed Service, Senate. 80th Cong., 1 (1947).
In-text (Bill to Promote National Security, 1947)
- Software
Dreamweaver MX 2004 [Computer software]. (2003). San Francisco: Macromedia.
In-text (Dreamweaver MX 2004, 2003)
- Database
Bedford, VA, city of. (2004). Property tax database. Retrieved March 15, 2004, from http://www
In-text (Bedford, 2004)
- Web site, entire
Digital History Web site. (2004). S. Mintz (Ed.). Retrieved January 10, 2004, from http://www
In-text (Digital History, 2004)
- Web page, with author
Lipson, C. (2004). Advice on getting a great recommendation. Retrieved February 1, 2004, from Getting-a-good-recommendation.htm
In-text (Lipson, 2004)
- Web page, no author
I Love Lucy: Series summary. (2004). Sitcoms Online. Retrieved May 4, 2005, from
In-text (I Love Lucy: Series summary, 2004)
- Weblog, entry or comment
Drezner, D. (2004, February 1). Entry post. Retrieved February 2, 2004, from http://www
In-text (Drezner, 2004)
- chapter chap.
- pages pp.
- supplement Suppl.
- edition ed.
- part Pt.
- translated by Trans.
- editor Ed.
- revised edition Rev. ed.
- volume Vol.
- number No.
- second edition 2nd ed.
- volumes Vols.
- page p.