About the Journal

About the Journal

JOURNAL OF NEAR ARCHITECTURE is an international refereed journal published under Near East University.  The encouragement and contribution of Near East University Founder Rector Dr. Suat. İ. Günsel has helped the journal to come to life in 2017 October. JOURNAL OF NEAR ARCHITECTURE is an electronic open acess with 2547-8729 ISSN; published  twice a year in April and October.


The journal aims to produce solutions, research and examinations for universal problems by encouraging scientific researches and qualified academic publications on international issues and problems in the fields of Architecture, Interior Architecture and Landscape Architecture. The journal aims to contribute to architecture and to present sceintific studies published in the journal in an objective framework to the knowledge of the academic world and public.


In the journal, qualified scientific articles written in Turkish and English languages based on both conceptual and field research are published for the dissemination and development of knowledge in the fields of Architecture, Interior Architecture and Landscape Architecture and their sub-fileds. Detailed studies, which include the results of the researches carried out in these fields, constitute the scope of the journal.

Evaluation of Articles

Articles are first evaluated by the editors in terms of publication rules, in the preliminary evaluation process. Articles that do not comply with the publicationn rules are sent back to the authors for correction. Every article that complies with the publication rules, passes the preliminary evaluation process and is determined to be in accordance with the publication principles of the journal, goes through the double blind refereeing process before being published. All documents accepted for consideration for publication are reviewed as confidential documents. In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, author information with the referees and referee information with the authors are not shared except as permitted by the editor(s). In addition, opinions and suggestions obtained through referee evaluation are kept confidential. As a result of the evaluations of the referees; after the corrections given is maintained by the author(s) the article is ready for publication. However if one of the referees givs a positive opinion and the other gives a negative opinion; a third referee is appointed.


An author should generally not publish the same research in more than one journal or any other academic publication. Sending the same article to more than one journal at the same time leads to unethical publishing behavior.

In general, an author should not submit articles that have already been published in another journal. Other materials that are not copyrighted (figures, photos, etc.) also cannot be published anywhere else. In addition, articles reviewed by the journal should not be re-sent to copyrighted publications. However, by submitting an article, the author(s) reserves the copyrights to the published material. The copyright belongs to the authors (CC-BY-NC).

If the article is accepted for publication, the  JOURNAL OF NEAR ARCHITECTURE has all publication rights. In this case, the authors retain ownership of the copyrights to their articles, they only transfer the publishing rights to the JOURNAL OF NEAR ARCHITECTURE. For this purpose, the authors submit a statement to the editor by filling out the “Publication Rights Transfer Form” which they can find in the journal’s webstie.

Publisher: Near East University

Cover Design: Assist. Assoc. Dr. Elif Atamaz 


All the publications including the first issue of the journal October 2017 (Volume:1, No:1) are automatically archived on the web page.

Plagiarism Policy

Each application is scanned through for plagiarism software (iThenticate ve Turnitin) and citations are checked for a maximum of 20%.

When plagiarism is detected in the article, the application is rejected and other applications from the same author(s) are not accepted. In addition, the authors of the plagiarized works are contacted and immediately informed about the incident.

Publication Fee

Near East University, JOURNAL OF NEAR ARCHITECTURE does not charge any application, article processing or publication fee from the authors. No advertisements are allowed in the journal.

Open Access

JOURNAL OF NEAR ARCHITECTURE,  is a open access journal which allows authors to access their work free of charge and allows any user to read, download, and print any work, non-commercially, free of charge with CC- BY-NC 4.0 (Creative Commons) licence. This allows to reach the full article without getting permissions from the publisher or the author first.


The license allows it ot be copies and distributed in any medium or format, and to be used in the creation of another scientific work on a non-commercial basis.

Indexes The Journal Is Scaned