Destruction of Constantinople in Fourth Crusade and Latin Invasion


  • Yasemin Özdemir yıldız teknik üniversitesi


Latin Invasion, Fourth Crusade, Byzantium, Constantinople, Vanished and Relocated Artworks



Constantinople, suffered an enormous attack in 1203-1204 because of the Fourth Crusade that started for take back the Western Christian World's holy lands from the Muslims, head to capital city of Byzantine Empire. Before crusades periods disagreements between Byzantine and Europe, separation of Eastern and Western churches in 1054, cultural differences between their World life remarks and the manner of Byzantine about previous crusades shows that this attack was not surprising and conditions for fourth crusade direct to Constantinople had prepared before.

Constantinople, richest and most important city in its era had captured in 1204 by Crusaders, and after that all riches had sacked and established a new Latin Kingdom. After the city had captured in April 12th 1204 city had given to pillagers hand for three days. In this process thanks to started fires and pillages city turned to ruins. Leaders and ecclesiastics in Latin Kingdom period systematically send the holy relics and precious treasures to Europe.

By the reason of fires that devastate the city combined with pillages many buildings sacked and destroyed. The city lost most part of its cultural and historic heritage. Important and precious art works, architectural components, holy relics, taken away piece by piece through West. In this paper examine the conditions and situations of the important architectural and artistic works after the Constantinople had been captured by crusaders and lost its riches and magnificence and damaged reason by the attacks, fires and pillages.


