The Project of Survival of Cultural Natural Values and Development of Tourism in Divriği


  • Mustafa Yeğin Yeğin Çukurova Üniversitesi



architecture, Tourism, Re -functioning, Traditional architecture, Protection


Divrigi, which has been preserved in every period of history with a much better location than its current location, is a cute little town that came under Turkish rule after the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. The city of Divrigi has the potential to meet tourism activities due to its natural, historical and archaeological values, cultural assets, rich folklore, local cuisine, handicrafts, and old city texture. It is thought that the development and diversification of tourism as a result of the preservation of cultures and the evaluation of natural and historical resources will constitute great advantages for Divrigi. With this awareness, the 'Divriği, Cultural Natural Values, Survival and Tourism Development Project' was initiated in Divriği with the contributions of Divriği municipality, regional universities and cultural associations. This project is intended to be prepared as an exemplary project for Divriği or cities larger than Divriği. The project has been developed in order to preserve and sustain the historical, cultural, archaeological and natural potential of Divrigi by turning it into a tourism product. Within the scope of the project, with the support of different public institutions, private enterprises and local property owners, many artifacts and cultural values ​​have started to be brought to tourism in line with the project goals and objectives.

In this study, the main project aims, objectives, scope of the 'Divriği, Cultural Natural Values, Survival and Tourism Development Project' were discussed by introducing the goals reached and its contribution to tourism.

