Editor’s Message

Dear Readers,

We are happy to meet you again with a new issue and the valuable articles of our nine academic authors and to deliver these valuable works to you. World Women's Day, which has recently been celebrated with various activities all over the world, has once again demonstrated the role and achievements of women in the architecture profession, as in other professions. The fact that almost all of the authors are women in this issue of our journal is evidence of the active role of women in scientific research. We thank our authors and wish them many successful works. April 9, "Architect Sinan Commemoration and Architects Day", will emphasize to us the importance of mastery in architecture, with the absolute relationship between professional ability and experience, in the context of Sinan and his works.

We would like to express our endless thanks to everyone who contributed to the publication of our journal, especially our valuable referees. Stay with health and love until we meet in our next issue.

Prof. Dr. Zihni Turkan
Chief Editor