Chamber of Architects Journal as Reference of Housing Theory in Turkey; 1930-1939
: Housing, Housing in 1930s, Housing Theory and PracticeAbstract
Poitical, social and economic changes were affected the whole world at the beginning of the last century. Because of these rapid changes, housing became the most important problem on the architectural agenda. Modern architecture was erected on the housing problem and that it killed also with the housing problem, that allegations had taken long been on the architectural discussions. In the historical process throughout the world, the theory and practice of housing started as a subject-dependent, static, invariable objective phenomenon and gradually left its place to approaches that are independent of the nonsubject, dynamic, changeable and subjective in this context. In our country ,at the beginning of the new republic, the housing problem occupied an important area in the field of architecture. The aim of this study is to determine the development and change of the theoretical and practical works related to the housing, which was trying to be formed during the 1930s, to catch the clues that will affect the present and to determine the effects of the results to be obtained on the current housing problem. Also theoretical and practical documents of the housing were used together. Sources, feeding the architectural environment of our country, working as the only publishing body for a long time, were handled within the scope of the magazine of the chamber of architects, and a re-reading was made over printed texts, projects and buildings. In this context, making evaluations that will shed light on the todays constitute the method of the research. Despite the historical difference approaching the century, looking again at the field of theory and practice will provide a significant accumulation, understanding architectural strategies and remembering missed opportunities can be accepted as the basis of the study. Within the very complex structure of the housing, revising the mechanisms of controlling architecture will be able to determine the method of generating new sensitivities for todays housing problem.