In the Planning Perspective the Relationship of Cultural Tourism and Conservation in International Conventions


  • Sibel Ecemiş Kılıç


Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism, Conservation, City Planning, Integrated Planning, International Conventions., Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism, Conservation, City Planning, Integrated Plannig, International Conventions


    There is a need for an integrated management model in planning in terms of the healthy construction of the dynamic relationship between cultural heritage and cultural tourism and the continuity of cultural heritage. International organizations such as UNESCO, ICOMOS, Council of Europe, ICCROM determined international agenda of conservation and cultural tourism through the international conference they organize and produced as a result of these the international conventions, declaration, charters or recommendations since their establishment; it has been effective and guiding on the world heritage by introducing principles, standards, recommendations and approaches in these areas. In the study, these decisions are examined with the method of content analysis, and a guiding conceptual framework that can melt culture and tourism in the same pot and bring urban actors together at the common goals is presented. With this conceptual framework, components that need to be addressed and evaluated in upper-scale plans can be defined. Thus, it is aimed to deal with all aspect of the protection of cultural heritage and the sustainable development of cultural tourism and ensure the harmony and integration between the strategic and spatial plan decisions.


