A Design Story: Scenario


  • Ürün Biçer İstanbul Beykent Ünivesitesi




Theme, Design, Occupant, Needs, Scenario


When the design approach is considered, it is seen that the beginning is always with a theme. Most of the time, the idea of “What will be designed?” take presedence over the idea of "For Whom will be designed?” for learners receiving design education. The learner, who immediately starts the analysis, can be thrown out of the context in the absence of a mentor/supervisor counseling. The learner, who cannot figure out "For Who" and "What" to design, can get into a dead end as the process progresses. For this reason, searching and even direct to searching for the most correct answer to the question "For whom" should be the main goal of the supervisors. “Scenario” is one of the most effective design subjects that includes answers to these questions.


  • For whom?
  • Who needs what?
  • Who is doing what?
  • Who works where?
  • Who loves what?.....


It is possible to adapt every theme that can be given with the scenario to every person. Thus, what will be designed will become special and even unique. Especially, the uniqueness of the themes and the solutions in design education will multiply the vision and what has been learned, and enrich the learners' perspectives in this context.

In this study, the importance of the story, the hero/s of the story and the effect of the scenarios that change accordingly will be emphasized. The study was designed to present how the design, made in a more controlled area within the scope of the course named Professional Practice, changes according to the user's effect, and learner samples and evaluations in an orderly manner; finally, how this differentiation affects the design will be discussed.

