Paper to Parametric: Dreams and Imagination in Architecture


  • Ürün Biçer İstanbul Beykent Üniversitesi
  • Serkan Yaşar Erdinç İstanbul Beykent Üniversitesi



Dreams and Imagination in Architecture, Creative Ideations and Inspirations, Architectural Innovation, Paper Architecture, Parametric Architecture.


This study explores the transition from paper architecture to parametric architecture, highlighting the role of dreams and imagination in shaping architectural design. It provides a comprehensive analysis of both concepts, examining their characteristics, methodologies, and impact on the field of architecture beside with presenting a holistic, comparative and interpretative study. Through detailed explanations and real-world examples, this study aims to shed light on the evolution of architectural practice and the transformative power of computational tools in realizing visionary designs. Through this comprehensive analysis and evaluation, the study tries to make an evident that dreams and imagination have been pivotal in the evolution of architectural practice, from paper architecture to parametric architecture. The utilization of computational tools and parametric modelling techniques has empowered architects to push boundaries, optimize performance, and create built environments that were once considered impossible. By embracing dreams and imagination, it can be stated that architects can continue to shape the future of architecture, creating visionary and transformative designs that inspire and captivate.



2023-09-29 — Updated on 2023-10-25