Information For The Authors

  1. JOURNAL OF NEAR ARCHITECTURE, is a refereed journal that is published twice a year, in April and October. In order for the submissions to be published in the journal, they must be sent at least two months before the publication date due to the referee process.
  2. The articles submitted for the JOURNAL OF NEAR ARCHITECTURE, must be original research that has not been published elsewhere or sent for publication, they should be unique researches.
  3. The articles sent to the journal for publication are first reviewed by the relevant referees and after their suitability as content is checked by the editor. Manuscripts that are not suitable for publication will not be returned to the author.
  4. The articles should be without author information, M.S. Word document with the author
    information should also be uploaded to the journal’s web page electronically as a separate file, and a copy should be sent directly to the editor as an e-mail attachment. Access to Title Page for author information (Title Page)
  5. The articles should be scanned with “Turnitin” or “iThenticate” programs showing the citations are at most to be 20%. If there is a study that has a possible questionnaire work involved, it should be with ‘Ethics Committee Approval’ and if done with the permission of any institution, a permission certificate/permit should be taken from the relevant institute and sent directly to the editor.
  6. Preparation of the Article;
    The writing language is Turkish and English. The articles must be written in 12 pt size Arial font. The articles must have Turkish and English abstracts and should not contain personal information about the author. The articles sent to JOURNAL OF NEAR ARCHITECTURE, is accepted that the final controls of the articles in terms of spelling and format conditions are made by the author who approves them to be published in this format.
    Abstracts in Turkish and English should include the research question, purpose, scope, method, original value, findings, and results of the study and should be no more than 250 words. At least for and at most six keywords reflecting the content of the study should be given. Studies submitted in English must be compatible with Turkish.
    6.2. Main Text:
    The number of words excluding the main text, abstract, keywords, and references should be in the range of 4000-7000. All headings should be numbered consecutively and hierarchically. Tables and figures should be included in the article. Word shortcuts should not be used. Any information that may reveal the identity of the authors should not be used in the article. The main body of the article should be 12 pt size Arial font, monospaced. Headings of the text should be arranged as 14 pt size bold Arial font and subheadings should be arranged as 12 pt bold Arial. 3 cm from the top and bottom, right and left sides of the page spacings should be adjusted and should be in A4 paper size. Sections within the article must be numbered. Paragraph heads should start one tab in.
  7. References
    Reference writing format should be suitable to the APA referencing style. When writing the references in the article, the surname of the author and the year of publication should be given in parentheses. Page numbers should be included indirect quotations. References should be listed in alphabetical order by author surnames and in chronological order for each author. The title of the book should be written in Italic.
    Exp: Gürkan, H. M. (1996). Kıbrıs Tarihinden Sayfalar. Lefkoşa: Galeri Kültür Yayınları. If the source is an article, the name of the journal should be written Italic.
    Exp: Steg, L. & Vlek, C. (2009). Encouraging pro-environmental behavior: An integrative review and research agenda. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29, pp. 309-317.
    References in the text that belong to the references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article. References used in the article should be given in parentheses within the text, not as footnotes. Exp: (Gür, 2000:91).
    The rules of the APA Reference style should be carefully applied. Capitalization of letters and punctuation types. For more information about APA Reference, you can seepage. 
  8. Tables and Figures:
    Tables and figures to be used in articles should be placed in the main text. All plans, photographs, pictures, and graphics should be called figures. If there are human faces in the photographs used, they must be covered. All tables and figures should be given consecutive numbers and cited in the text. Figures must be presented in RGB color with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Maps and charts should also be named and numbered. When necessary the authors are required to submit the visual materials that do not belong to them, together with the permissions letter obtained from the copyright owner. References should be cited for those previously published by other sources. Table and figure captions should be in 10 pt size Arial font.